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[GUIDES] 15+ Interview resources, guides, roadmaps
All guides for you
15+ Interview, Revision guides and notes
25 Full stack projects
12+ Awesome AI guides
HTML, CSS Intro and mastery
HTML Mastery
0 something important
1 overview
2 what is html
3 editor
4 First Program
5 tags in capital or small
6 easy way to make structure
7 heading
8 elements
9 paragraph
10 line break
11 hr tag
12 pre
13 bold
14 strong
15 italics
16 emprasized
17 underline
18 small
19 mark
21 insert
22 subscript
23 superscript
24 blockquote cite
25 quotations
26 abbriviation
27 address
28 cite
29 bdo
31 links
31 links attribute
32 parent , tp
33 absolute vs relative
34 link with title
35 image
36 src
37 alternate
38 favicon
39 what is table
40 table tag
41 explanation
42 not so important
43 vertical tables
44 colspan
45 rowspan
46 ol and ul
47 dl
48 ordered type
49 block
50 inline
51 div
52 span
53 iFrame
54 File Path
55 head and meta
56 code
57 keyboard
58 sample
59 pre
60 var
61 section
62 article
63 header
64 footer
65 nav
66 aside
67 symbol
68 video
69 video attribute
70 audio
71 youtube
72 Forms
73 selects
74 select size
75 textarea
76 button
77 fieldset
78 more on inputs
CSS Mastery
0 Overview
1 what and why css
2 css folder
3 external , internal , inline
5 selectors
6 universal selector
7 grouped selector
8 color
9 rgba
10 hex
11 hex short
11 hex short 2
12 hsl
13 hsla
14 backgrounds
15 borders
16 box model
17 margin padding
18 outline
19 text
20 vertical align
21 text decoration
22 tranform
23 more on text
24 text shadow
25 fonts
26 Links
27 lists
28 more on list
29 tables
30 block inline
31 none,hide
32 . Display
33 . FlexBox
34 . Media Query
35 . Grid
36 . Transform
37 . Box Sizing
[Essentials] HTML , CSS and JS (one shot)
Master HTML Essentials Crash Course for Quick Learning
Master CSS Essentials Crash Course for Quick Learning
Master JS Beginners Essentials Crash Course for Quick Learning
JavaScript intro and mastery
js1-Intro to JS
js2-Variables, loops, functions
js3-Basic weather app in JS and AI tools
js4-Async, await example 2
js5-Understanding closures and other JS topics
js6-Learning debouncing
js7-Error handling and checking Claude for JS
js7-Mastering V0 and AI tools for Javascript
JS in detail - mastery
3 . Comments
4. Variables
5 . Implicit Type Conversion
7 . Arithmetic Operator
8 . Incr _ Dec
9 . Comparison Operator
10 . == vs ===
11. Logical Operator
12 . Conditional _ if , if else , nested if
13. else if
14 . Switch
15 . Loop _ for , while , do while
16 . Functions
17. Array
18 . map function
20 . push , unshift
21 . splice
22 . slice
23 . For in For OF
26 . Destruct
24 . Multidimensional Array
25 . copy
27 . objects
28 . Objects Inside Array
React JS - introduction
1 Introduction to React JS
2 Structure, installation, overview
3 Build lots of landing pages
4 JSX mastery
5 Different components and reusing
6 Props Children and parent
7 Hooks intro
8 Hooks mastery and interview prep
9 Conditional rendering and making projects
React JS in detail - part 1 - Complete run through
React part 1 - Introduction and Folder structure
React part 2 - Components
React part 3 - Introduction to JSX
React part 4 - Introduction to Components, Props, Projects
React part 5 - Introduction to Hooks - useState, useEffect, Custom
React part 6 - Introduction to state management - Context API, useContext
React part 7 - Introduction to useReducer
React part 8 - React router, error #404, and Form Validation
React part 9 - Redux Toolkit explained
React JS in detail - part 2 - hooks
useState Example #2
useEffect vs useMemo
useRef DOM example
useRef Example 2
Custom Hook
[NEW] Complete React JS projects
Shopping Cart
BMI Calculator
Calculator App
Expense Tracker
To Do App
Weather App
Link Previewer
Complicated Counter
Select all
Text TO Document
Infinity Scroll
Link Previewer
Transfer List Project
Form Validation
[NEW] Master Frontend quickly with AI
HTML complete course
CSS complete course
JavaScript complete course
React complete course
Next JS full course
Setup, Git, GitHub, Pages, Deploy
Introduction to Git
Intro to Git, GitHub, and Workflow
Install and Setup - Git and GitHub
Visualize git with this tool
Github cheat sheet
Creating Repository, GitHub Pages, Deploying and Pushing code
Git summary and how to learn [new]
Node - Express JS introduction
More about Node JS
Introduction to Node JS , Modules , Local Modules
Built-in Modules in Node JS
Npm, nodemon, package.json etc
Event Loop, Events , Streams
Node JS mastery
Learn Node JS in One Video
1 _ Node JS and How to Install
2 _ First Program (REPL and CLI)
3 _ Modules
4 _ Local Modules
5 _ Import _ Export
6 _ Multiple Exports
7 _ Module Exports vs Exports
8 _ ES Module import_export
9 _ Build in Modules
10 _ OS Module
11 _ Path
12 _ FS Module
13 _ How Web Works _
14 _ Create Node Server
15 _ Npm
16 _ Nodemon
17 _ GitIgnore
18 _ Event Loop
19 _ Event Loop Practice
20 _ Events
21 _ Streams
Node JS + Express JS speed run
Creating server using Express , Express Routes
Json, Params, Query
CRUD Operations - backend
Full stack interview questions (bonus)
Databases - MongoDB speed run
Introduction to MongoDB and NoSQL database
Login and Registration using MERN
Performing CRUD operations using MongoDB
Complete Backend development in detail - Node, Express, Mongo DB
Node JS in detail
Express JS in detail
Mongo DB in detail
Deploy your projects
GitHub Pages Deploy
Netlify Deploy
Vercel Deploy
[Quick Project] MERN stack project - User Authentication Application
Learn user signup, login, authentication using useContext - React
Learn user signup, login, authentication using MERN stack
Learn authentication using React and Firebase
[Detailed Project] MERN stack project - Ecommerce App
Ecommerce app part 1 - Setup , Server , Mongodb and userModel
Ecommerce app part 2 - userctrl , userrouter , cokkies , jwt token
Ecommerce app part 3 - register , login , logout ,authorization
Ecommerce app part 4 - define a category (CRUD)
Ecommerce app part 5 - define a product (CRUD)
Ecommerce app part 6 - filtering , pagination , sorting , limitations
Ecommerce app part 7 - client side - navbar
Ecommerce app part 8 - client side (products), context api , fetching
Ecommerce app part 9 - client side (details page)
Ecommerce app part 10 - client side (login , logout , admin features)
Ecommerce app part 11 - client side (Add to cart)
[Detailed Project] Full stack project - Youtube Clone
Youtube project part 1 - Project setup, Home Navbar
Youtube project part 2 - Add a Sidebar to the UI
Youtube project part 3 - Youtube Api Setup, Redux Toolkit
Youtube project part 4 - useDispatch, useSelector, getHomePage
Youtube project part 5 - parseData, parseVideo Duration, convertRawtoString
Youtube project part 6 - timeSince, Spinner Loading, Card
Youtube project part 7 - Search, Search Card
Youtube project part 8 - Scrollbar, Watch, Additional features
[Detailed Project] MERN stack project - BookMyShow
0 - Overview
1 - Setup , Home and Select Movies
2 - Home CSS, components , time schedule
3 - Select Seats
4 - Last Booking Details
5 - Context , Local Storage , active inactive
6 - slots context , seats context
7 - Book Button , Backend , Server , ConnectToDB
8 - GetData , PostData , updating lastBookingDetails
[Detailed Project] MERN stack project - Gmail app
P-1 Project Setup & Building Navbar+Sidebar+Inbox Pages
P-2 Understand React-Router-Dom and Redux Toolkit
P-3 Building Login & Signup Page + Create server & Connect with MongoDB Atlas
P-4 Schema Design + User Controllers & Routes for Login & Signup + Middleware
P-5 Creating Email Controller & Api End Points ( Create, GetEmail, Delete Email)
P-6 APi Integration with Frontend (Login+Signup+Fetch, Create & Delete Email)
P-7 Persist Our Store + Searching Emails + Protecting Routes
[Detailed Project] MERN full stack project - Expense Tracker
Expense Tracker Demo P 1
Backend Project Setup P 2
Database connection + Schema Design + Login+Signup Controllers and APIs P 3
Auth middleware + Add, Get, Update, Remove Expenses & mark as done Controllers + Apis for expenses P
Api Testing + Setup React Vite With Shadcn UI + Integrate Login & Signup API P 5
Building Create Expense & Filter Page + Configuring Redux Toolkit P 6
Fetch All Expenses Delete & Update Expense + Persist Redux Store P 7
[Quick Project] MERN Stack - Social Media (Guide)
social-media-master [zip code file]
How to build Social Media Full Stack App - complete pdf guide
Building a Social Media App with MERN Stack - Walkthrough video
[Guide] MERN Stack -Hotal Application (Guide)
MERN-Booking-App-main (1)
How to create a Hotel booking app with MERN stack
[Guide] MERN Stack - Chat Application (Guide)
How to create a real-time Chat Application with MERN stack
Detailed videos are coming soon!
[Guide] Stripe and Firebase Project : ECommerce Application
Ecommerce Application with React, Redux, Stripe and Firebase
[Guide] Full Stack Website : Interio (Guide)
Preview - MERN full-stack web development course
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