Welcome to the course
Job ready Backend development course! Welcome
Welcome to the course! We have everything you need
Introduction to Backend - What is Backend?
Introduction to Backend - Client , Server and Database
Node and Express JS intro
Node JS - introduction
Introduction to Node JS (mindset shift)
Node JS exploring and capabilities
Using Firebase for backend development
Authentication for backend development
Next JS intro for backend development
Unique projects for backend development
Node JS - in detail mastery
1 _ Node JS and How to Install
2 _ First Program (REPL and CLI)
3 _ Modules
4 _ Local Modules
5 _ Import _ Export
6 _ Multiple Exports
7 _ Module Exports vs Exports
8 _ ES Module import_export
9 _ Build in Modules
10 _ OS Module
11 _ Path
12 _ FS Module
13 _ How Web Works _
14 _ Create Node Server
15 _ Npm
16 _ Nodemon
17 _ GitIgnore
18 _ Event Loop
19 _ Event Loop Practice
20 _ Events
21 _ Streams
Express JS - in detail mastery
3 _ Express static
4 _ something important
5 _ express json
6 _ params
7 _ query string
8 _ middle ware
9 _ method get post
11 _ Express router
Node and Express JS interview
Node JS interview questions
Express JS interview questions
We are adding videos soon! Don't worry.
Backend with Next JS
1 _ Express JS vs Next JS
2 _ Creating Next App
3 _ Api Route and Route Handler
4 _ Nested routes
5 _ Dynamic Route, Static Data, Postman
6 _ Advanced routing Url params
7 _ CRUD operation
8 _ Restful API with fetch
9 _ Redirect using Middleware
10 _ Nextjs and MongoDB with Contact From
Mongo DB in detail
1 _ What is Mongo DB_
2 _ SQL vs No SQL
3 _ Installation
4 _ MongoDB Shell
5 _ Adding New Document
6 _ Adding Multiple Documents
7 _ Finding
8 _ Chaining Methods (count, limits, etc.)
9 _ Some Operators
10 _ Nested Documents (1)
11 _ Delete Document
12 _ Update Document (1)
13 _ MongoDB Node's Driver
14 _ Connect NodeJS to MongoDB
15 _ Good Practice
16 _ Inserting Document
17 _ Updating Document
18 _ Deleting Document
19 _ API using NodeJS + ExpressJS + MongoDB
20 _ MongoDB(Read)
21 _ MongoDB(Create)
22 _ MongoDB(Update)
23 _ MongoDB(Delete)
24 _ Mongoose
25 _ Mongoose + MongoDB + ExpressJS + NodeJS
26 _ Mongoose(Read)
27 _ Mongoose(Create)
28 _ Mongoose(Update)
29 _ Mongoose(delete)
30 _ MongoDB Atlas
#1 Backend project - Book my Show MERN app
[zip code file] Book my show
0 - Overview
1 - Setup , Home and Select Movies
2 - Home CSS, components , time schedule
3 - Select Seats
4 - Last Booking Details
5 - Context , Local Storage , active inactive
6 - slots context , seats context
7 - Book Button , Backend , Server , ConnectToDB
8 - GetData , PostData , updating lastBookingDetails
#2 Backend project - Social media MERN app
How to build Social Media Full Stack App (complete pdf guide)
Building a Social Media App with MERN Stack - Walkthrough video
social-media-master [zip code file]
#3 Backend project - Build a Linkedin Clone in Next JS 14
Full stack LinkedIn clone in Next JS (complete pdf guide)
LinkedIn Guide Topic wise
LinkedIn app part 1 - Introduction and Project setup
LinkedIn app part 2 - UI setup
LinkedIn app part 3 - Authentication and Responsiveness
LinkedIn app part 4 - Sidebar and Feed pages
LinkedIn app part 5 - Database and Models
LinkedIn app part 6 - Creating and displaying posts
LinkedIn app part 7 - Advanced features and caching
LinkedIn app part 8 - Interactions and Deployment
#4 Backend project - Ecommerce app in MERN
[zip code file] Ecommerce app
Ecommerce app part 1 - Setup , Server , Mongodb and userModel
Ecommerce app part 2 - userctrl , userrouter , cokkies , jwt token
Ecommerce app part 3 - register , login , logout ,authorization
Ecommerce app part 4 - define a category (CRUD)
Ecommerce app part 5 - define a product (CRUD)
Ecommerce app part 6 - filtering , pagination , sorting , limitations
Ecommerce app part 7 - client side - navbar
Ecommerce app part 8 - client side (products), context api , fetching
Ecommerce app part 9 - client side (details page)
Ecommerce app part 10 - client side (login , logout , admin features)
Ecommerce app part 11 - client side (Add to cart)
Hotel booking app [guide]
Detailed videos are coming soon!
Preview - Backend development with Node-Express JS
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