Job ready DSA mastery course (now with 150 solution videos)
FAANG Job ready DSA mastery course (250+ videos, 100+ pages revision book included) cover

FAANG Job ready DSA mastery course (250+ videos, 100+ pages revision book included)

"Master the secrets of DSA with 250+ videos and a 100+ page revision book to land your dream FAANG job!"

Instructor: 30DaysCoding

Language: Hindi

Validity Period: Lifetime

$89.99 88% OFF

$8.47 excluding 18% GST

10% Cashback as 30DC Coins

📌 Course Overview

  • Certificate of completion
  • 60-day money-back guarantee
  •  JavaScript implementations
  • 150+ coding challenges
  • Big O notation and algorithm analysis
  • 20+ core data structures covered
  • 30+ essential algorithms
  • LeetCode and HackerRank problem solving

📚 Curriculum Highlights

1. Foundations of DSA Algorithm Analysis

  • Time and space complexity
  • Big O notation
  • Best, average, and worst-case scenarios

Basic Data Structures

  • Arrays and strings
  • Linked lists (singly and doubly)
  • Stacks and queues

2. Advanced Data Structures Trees and Graphs

  • Binary trees and binary search trees
  • AVL and Red-Black trees
  • Graphs: representation and traversal

Hash-based Structures

  • Hash tables and hash functions
  • Collision resolution techniques
  • Sets and maps

3. Algorithmic Paradigms Searching and Sorting

  • Binary search
  • Quicksort, Mergesort, Heapsort
  • Counting sort and Radix sort

Dynamic Programming

  • Memoization and tabulation
  • Common DP patterns
  • Subset sum and knapsack problems

4. Advanced Algorithms

  • Greedy algorithms
  • Divide and conquer
  • Graph algorithms (Dijkstra's, Floyd-Warshall)
  • String matching algorithms

🛠️ Practical Implementation

  • 100+ coding challenges
  • Implementation in Python, Java, and C++
  • LeetCode and HackerRank problem solving sessions
  • 5 major projects (e.g., pathfinding visualizer, sorting visualizer)

💼 Career Advancement

  • DSA interview question bank
  • Mock coding interviews
  • System design basics
  • Big tech company preparation guides

🎁 Bonus Content

  • Competitive programming techniques
  • Mathematical foundations for CS
  • Bit manipulation tricks
  • Advanced data structures (Segment trees, Fenwick trees)

✅ Course Guarantees

  • Step-by-step problem-solving approach
  • Visualizations for complex concepts
  • Regular assignments and quizzes
  • Discussion forum for doubt clearing
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